Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jasper turned 7 months old!

We are posting a little late, but these pictures were taken on Jasper's 7 month Birthday.

Jasper is sitting on a super soft blanket his crafty Great Aunt Laura made for him. He loves it! She also knitted an adorable hat with ear flaps. It has started to fit just in time for the cold weather that has come our way.

Ready for a walk in the stroller.

And we have some highlights from the grandparents' visit. Grandma B introduced Jasper to Cheerios. Every time she fed Jasper she rolled up his little sleeves - that had never occurred to me. I try to remember that at feeding time now. It's the little things. 

Here are Grandma and Jasper at a restaurant.

More Cheerio eating. This kid is a pro.

Thanks for the puffy photo album! Nom, nom, nom.


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