Monday, July 21, 2014


Last week was hot! Don't worry, we know how to keep cool around here.

Share a whale sprinkler with friends.

Take a bath.

And we've been playing, as usual.

Jasper's tower skills are impressive.

Blocks in odd places.

Farm animals on a ferry ride.

Lately, Jasper has the same question about every toy animal or animal he sees in a book, "Does it have sharp teeth?" I thought I was shooting him straight (based on pointyness) until he told me that he has sharp teeth. It seems we have different definitions of sharp. Joe still has no teeth, I'm always reminding Jasper to sit and chew his food thoroughly, and he might be figuring out the some animals eat other animals. I guess that's a lot for a three year old to make sense of.

We make deals with Jasper. An example, "When we get home you can pick out a piece of fruit and then it's time to get ready for bed. Deal?"

Sometimes he makes deals with us and they are often very reasonable. Last night he seemed to apply a fine print to his offering. "When we get home I will" -this next part spoken very quietly, "play with toys and watch TV." Back to normal volume, "Deal?"

Um, no deal Jasper, no deal. We tried not to laugh. We failed.

One morning Joe work up too early and would not go back to sleep. I brought him into bed with me and that seemed to do the trick. Sweet little guy...



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